The Weekend Hunters online club is for all hunters everywhere no matter your race, age, or gender. There is no membership fee for this club ever. It is simply a social gathering place for hunters to talk about anything they want.
I ( Justin ) decided to create this club for many reasons:
1. I wanted to tell my hunting stories to someone other than my wife! I love her but she’s just not that into hunting.
2. I felt that it would be a great chance to meet other people and make some new friends; I think it would be cool to have a friend with a house I can’t quickly drive to.
3. It is a great way to keep in touch with all my friends and new friends, without telling the same story 20 times.
4. Starting an online hunting club will hopefully open lots of doors for lots of people.
5. I love doing new things and creating a web page for me and my buds has taught me a lot. It takes a lot of time and patience.
As part of the club you can:
1. Meet new people and make new friends.
2. Promote your youtube videos, Facebook account, and twitter account.
3. Hopefully learn some new hunting tricks.
4. Brag about your kill.
5. Praise other member’s accomplishments.
6. Participate in upcoming competitions.
I’m trying to create a place where hunters can socialize, without worrying about grammar, spelling, or bullying. I know we are small right now but we won’t give up, this club is going to be around for a while even if we only have 5 members. All we ask is for you to tell your friends about us. Thanks for looking into our online club. If you have any questions or comments you can e-mail us The Weekend Hunters